Student Blog






Get together right now

Good morning my dear teachers & students:
On the occasion of Golden Fall, the moonlight is flowing surround the earth, the annual Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. Today I represent all my classmates in art class, senior 3, wish everyone have a happy Mid-Autumn!
Mid-Autumn Festival is our traditional festival. For our Chinese, it is the delicious flavor of the moon cake. It is the bright moon hanging in the night sky. The most important point is getting together with all of our relatives and celebrating the festival at this wonderful time. The Mid-Autumn Festival likes a silk band surrounds every Chinese people’s heart, no matter where they are.
Looking back the history, China is a suffering country. In the 16th century, the Portuguese occupied Macao. Later in the 19th century, the British seized Hongkong. Jiang jieshi fled to Taiwan and left a messy mainland in the 20th century. China once was caught in disrupted situations.
However, as time went to the 21st century, this eastern lion was wake up. The red lotus is full in bloom because of the call of the lion. The bauhinia is releasing sweet perfume because of the formidable verve. The Sun Moon Lake also wants to give off her brilliance for the mainland. We raise our glasses and give a toast to the bright moon, wish our country could have a long life and we together share the bright moon a thousand miles away.
China is about 5000 years old and has a long history. She shoulders the weight of the Five Mountains, drew the beauty of Sanxia, rapping the magnificent of the Great Wall and standing on the danger of Yellow River. Today, our English speech doesn’t mean to flaunt, but to tell you that we learning English and apply it just for our future. We are going to toward the whole world and will become better in the communications with the globe. 
My dear students, we are the future and hope of the nation, we ought to carry on our culture. As a junior or senior student, we should take our every step and study hard to earn a brilliant youth and bright future.
Standing under the Five-Starred Flag, Chinese history is floating through my mind. Thinking about the ancient, exploring the future, nowadays, we swear to the sky and cry to the thunder. Our glory students in Yunnan Experimental Middle School attached to Yunnan Normal University, getting together under the national flag and the Three Rings, we cheer up and going to take a good grade. Lifting the civilized torch, let the Chinese culture be inherited forever and ever. 

That’s all, thanks for your listening.