Student Blog

拼搏 坚持


撰 稿 人:初三(11)班全体同学    演讲者:代小冉 鲁鑫宇
指导老师:张揽月 梁园琳          班主任:张揽月
今天我们演讲的题目是《拼搏   坚持》


Struggle and Persistence
Contributor: Students of Class 11          Speakers: Dai Xiaoran    Lu Xinyu
Supervisors: Zhang Lanyue Liang Yuanling       Class Master: Zhang Lanyue
Dear teachers, and friends:
Good Morning!
Our topic for today’s speech is Struggle and Persistence.
In the warm sunshine of early winter, the 9th Winter Field and Track Sports Meeting of our school successfully comes to an end.
During the three days, the athletes have struggled to achieve their goals and demonstrated Olympic spirits of being “higher, faster and stronger”.
We would never forget the moments when athletes made their efforts dashing through 100 meters’ race; the moments during the 400 meters, 800 meters and 1500 meters’ races resonate in our minds;
still, we could never forget the long jump and high jump athletes approaching their goals with graceful jump in the air; furthermore, we could never forget the strong arms of the shot athletes when they threw the heavy shots into a beautiful curve….
Though the sports meeting has already come to an end, the spirit of struggle and persistence, however, will be carried on in our study.
On the long road to knowledge, we are moving forward. Maybe there are so many difficulties we need to face, however, the spirit of commitment and persistence always stay with us, and the determination to continue and hold on never departs from us, since we stick fast to our goals.
“To have a dream is important for us. What is more important is to stick to the dream. As long as you do not give up, you will realize your dream someday.”
Struggle and persistence is a kind of efforts and commitment.
On the sports ground, we struggle not only for the prize and the shining medal but the joy brought by struggle and commitment.
Tolstoy once remarked, “If a man lets fate control himself at will and not struggle for his goal, he is already a man half dead.” Study is just a competition that needs you practice and struggle, your heart and soul never give up.
Struggle is not only the spirit of athletes; it is also a quality for every one of us in study.
Persistence is a kind of faith and willpower.
On the sports ground, we choose to persist and to be determined, not for the thundering applauses from the audience, nor for the satisfactory results.
Voltaire once said, “Sticking to great causes needs incessant spirit.” We have tried our best, we have struggled, and now our spirit is much stronger than ever before. Even the result is not that satisfactory in the end, but it doesn’t matter.
Persistence is not only the spirit of athletes, but it should be also willpower for every student to reach their final goals in studying.
We learn from doing sports. We learn the spirit of struggle and persistence from sports.
Sport is not only for building up a healthy body. What is more important is to integrate the spirits of doing sports and studying, cultivating our tastes for knowledge, realizing our future and achieving our final goal!
Thank you so much!
Class 11, Grade 9, November 21st